The World is an amazing place .... go and be in it

Friday, 21 December 2012

I'm going to go there one day.....

Over the past 20months, this has been  the catch cry of Big M and I every time we bolt down the Hume Highway to visit “the Bud” and “Gorgeous Gal” in their new ‘blindmans-bluff-pin-the-spot-on-the-map' home town of Wodonga.  As we leave the M7 in Sydney and hit the Hume, the names of places unvisited flash past. Romantic sounding names like Bundanoon and Suttons Forrest, the tongue twisters of Barrawang and Tarcutta and the names that live in the folklore of this wide brown land such as Bowral and Gundagai . And then there are the taunting glimpses of stone cottages, lace balconied pubs and white steeple churches in distant villages that have since been bypassed by the Hume’s Upgrade.  Today, only the quaint village of Holbrook proudly displaying its Submarine.... some hundreds of kilometres inland.... remains on the highway. But not for long, for it too is destined for bypassing in the very near future.

Now a year after our 'endless summer' Asian romp that came to an abrupt halt thanks to a little belly chap called “Dientamoeba fragilis”, we’ve decided hit the unplanned road again and act on that ‘one day’ thought.   

A road trip over Christmas, the busiest time on Aussie roads to some of the most popular spots on the Aussie holiday hit list. First stop will be the Southern Highlands,  where Sydneysiders go to escape the summer heat and quaint historical villages boasts some of the best  antique and vintage shopping in Australia. From there it’ll be on to the plains of the southern slopes to visit ‘the track’ and ‘the burning truck’,  before hitting the gem of Australia road-tripping.... the Great Ocean Road.
..... Sounds like a plan!

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